An inspiring idea born out of a 3-Year-Old's wish

April 25, 2016 3 Comments

An inspiring idea born out of a 3-Year-Old's wish

"Babajaan, can i listen to my favorite dua on this", said little Syeda Zahra, pointing to a very simple basic-azan-alarm clock at her home. She was not at all impressed with father's explanation of what the basic-azan-only clock could or could not do...

A child's wish:

Our story begins one fine day in April 2015. The little angel repeating her pleas to her father to pleeease play her favorite Dua e Faraj on the basic azan-only clock. Not taking no for an answer. Insisting, again and again. It was at this point that the idea of eAhlulbayt was born. Planted in father's head by the sweet innocence of a three year old.

After a debate in the mind that went from a firm No to Not Sure to May Be, came the words little Zahra wanted to hear. "Surely, it can be done" admitted the tech-savvy father, who has a passion for technology and love for Islam, looking thoughtfully at the bewildered azan-only clock. It can be made to play Duas and Quran and much much more...  It can be a very smart clock. It can be more than a clock. It can be... eAhlulbayt!

A child's wish gave birth to an idea which soon evolved into a burning desire to harness technology to benefit the global community of Ahlulbayt lovers.

'Work for a Better Life as if you live forever, And work for Better End as if you die tomorrow' -Imam Ali (a.s)

In May 2015 the project commenced from our house in Singapore. We conducted market research to see what was available out there. Spent many hours surveying the scene, looking  at all the competition. We  were amazed at how hard it was to find a device that went beyond the basic features. The market had a plethora of smart devices to offer for worldly activities and pleasures. When it comes to the body that will last 90 years or so at most, one is spoilt for choice. There is this gadgets galore with every kind of sophisticated technology in use. But when it comes to hi-tech aids and adornments  for the soul, the reality that lives on and on, there is nothing much on offer.

Several months went conceptualizing the features and functionalities of eAhlulbayt. It called for much creativity. Innovative approaches were needed to cater to the needs of all without compromising on ease of use and attractive features. It has to be able to win the love of the entire global family. It must be a friend that invites you every day to what is best for your eternal life. It must  help in purifying the hearts, no less. Not only that, your eAhlulbayt must contribute to your efforts to make your home fit to receive our Imam ajfs, inshAllah.

We have been working closely with the manufacturer to ensure that a quality product materializes, a product that lives up to its grand name of “eAhlulbayt”. The basic design was endowed with advanced features. We went through over 15 levels of iterations before finalizing the final prototype. It is guaranteed to meet strict performance standards

Smart Azan Clock Poster

And in February 2016 the final model saw the light of the day. It is now being fine tuned and embellished with software enhancements and audio files. We are indebted to websites such as and few other multimedia sites for being able to use their audio content.

eAhlulbayt can be the tool you are looking for to transform your life in a way that brings eternal heavenly rewards. 

That’s our story, time for you to create yours. 

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3 Responses

Kumail Alamdarali Shariff
Kumail Alamdarali Shariff

May 15, 2016

Mashallah Great

Maimuna Kermali
Maimuna Kermali

May 09, 2016


Akil Merchant
Akil Merchant

May 03, 2016

MashaAllah I was really overwhelmed after looking at the product. The look and feel is so elegant, the features are so unique and the design is cutting edge. It’s a must have for Ahlulbayt lover’s home I must say. Living in NewZealand I miss the daily azan what we used to have back home and specially when we visited for ziyarats. This unique clock also has features for dua and zikr recitation which is unique. InshaAllah I am just waiting for my clock and feel proud to have and use it.

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